Modules: Autumn 2022 Season of Health Qigong and Tai Chi Online Classes

The Health Qigong and Tai Chi classes will start week beginning Monday 19th September 2022 for 12 weeks. Please find below details of the modules for the Autumn season.

Fees for members any 2 modules for £36; any 3 modules for £48; any 4 modules for £60.

ModuleDateNumber of SessionsSingle module fees for Community membersSingle module fees for non-members
Ma-Wang-Dui and Tai Chi StickMonday
8:00-9:00 am
Yi-Jin-Jing and Tai Chi FanTuesday
Ba-Duan-Jin and Tai Chi FanWednesday
8:00-9:00 am
Beginners Health Qigong and Tai ChiWednesday
10:30-11:30 am
Jianhui No1  Tai ChiThursday
8:00-9:00 am
Qigong and Tai ChiSaturday
9:00-10:30 am
Throughout the yearFree£4 per session

The details of the Liverpool Qigong/Tai Chi Community Bank Account for online payment of membership and modules: 

Liverpool Qigong/Tai Chi Community

Virgin Money bank:        Sort code: 82-61-37; Account number: 20222190

Reference: Your family name and initial and module numbers.

For any general queries or if you are interested in one-to-one private sessions, please contact (£10 for one hour or £5 for 30min for a one-to-one online session).