Health Qigong and Tai Chi: Improve Body Balance, Flexibility, Mental Health and Quality of Life
Tai Chi and Qigong Wellness Founded by Dr. Dong Barraclough
The Tai Chi and Qigong Wellness aims to promote the health, wellbeing, and social interaction of group members through affordable Qigong and Tai Chi exercises.
The community group originated from a 12-week public engagement project, initiated and conducted by qualified Health Qigong and Tai Chi instructor, Dr. Dong Barraclough (University of Liverpool) in 2019. After the research project was completed, th Qigong/Tai Chi Community Group was established, so those research participants could continue to practice Qigong/Tai Chi exercises.
Before the COVID 19 national lockdown in March 2020, Community activity was based locally, with Qigong/Tai Chi exercise sessions being held in community facilities and free weekend outdoors exercises in the local Calderstones Park. Since the COVID19 outbreak in March 2020, Qigong/Tai Chi Community sessions have been held remotely online using the Zoom platform, with very supportive feedback from Community members. Our activities have certainly helped to improve their well-being and quality of life, particularly during periods of isolation. Since then, new members have joined Nationally, Zoom has enabled the Community Group to extend the benefits of Qigong and Tai Chi exercises Nationwide.
If you are interested in joining our Tai Chi and Health Qigong exercises, please contact me by email: